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Home Professional Development Awards

Apply for a Professional Development Award Today!

University of Utah Staff Council Professional Development Awards are intended to support and encourage continuing professional education and training for all university staff.



  • The applicant must be currently employed at 75% or above Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) in a benefits-eligible position at the University of Utah and have held a consistent position at this level for at least two (2) consecutive years.
  • The applicant may not have received a Staff Council Award within the past two years.
  • The applicant may not be a current Staff Council Member.

Awards Criteria and Allowable Expenses

All awards are intended to support staff aiming to further their professional development while contributing to the University of Utah’s Strategic Priorities. Staff Awards applicants must clearly designate how the selected professional development will enable the awardee to support the University’s Strategic Priorities. All awards are funded as reimbursement for funds spent and must provide accompanying receipts. You may apply for personal expenses not covered by department reimbursement relating to of any of these expenses. Awards may be used for:

  • Course/class tuition
  • Event or registration fees for professional training, symposia, conferences, workshops, webinars, etc.
  • Travel, airfare, rental car, rail, bus, Uber/Lyft, taxis
  • Lodging
  • Mileage reimbursement for private vehicle travel (.17 per mile)
  • Materials related to courses, classes, workshops, seminars, webinars, symposia, conferences etc.
  • Professional Association fees and memberships

Unallowable Expenses

Awards may only be used for the recipient for the purpose intended as defined in the application. Staff Professional Development Awards are not transferable to other individuals or opportunities (not indicated in the application).

 Anticipated Number of Scholarships

The number of annual awards is determined by available funding.

Application Review Cycles 

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed three times per year. Review dates are April 15th, September 15th, and January 30.

Award Notification Dates

Award grantees will be notified within 30 days of the review date.

Tom Loveridge Scholarship Recipient: Samantha Shaw

Samantha Shaw Thank you to Staff Council and the Tom Loveridge Memorial Staff Scholarship!...

Staff Scholarship Recipient: Dominic Walker-Pecoraro

Dominic Walker-Pecoraro I am honored to be a recipient of the general staff scholarship...

Staff Scholarship Recipient: Samantha Nunn

The General Staff Scholarship will help cover my Fall tuition for my classes...

Staff Scholarship Recipient: Eric Gardner

“I love teaching University of Utah students and helping them learn about, appreciate,...

Staff Scholarship Recipient: Morgan Aguilar

“I am grateful for the Staff Council Scholarship which will help me complete...