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Become a Member

Staff Council consists of staff members (both exempt and non-exempt) from across campus. They are appointed by the Chief Human Resources Officer for a term of three years, with one-third of the membership rotating off each year. Officers of the Council include a President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be benefits eligible (0.75 FTE or above)
  • Applicants must have successfully completed the probationary period of employment prior to the beginning of the proposed service term (July 1st of each year)
  • At least two years of employment at the University

Application Process
Complete and submit the application form below. Please note you may also nominate someone you think you would be a good Staff Council member.

Applications will be reviewed by the Selections Committee which involves a clearance check through Human Resources. The Selections Committee nominates new potential members which are then reviewed by the President prior to selection. Applicants will be notified of their selection and asked to review and sign the Staff Council Membership Agreement that outlines the membership terms, and requirements – provided by Staff Council.

The University of Utah Staff Council reviews and accepts new members annually. New members enter into a three-year term for service. During this term they are required to attend one General Council meeting (currently held the first Wednesday of the month from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) as well as at least one sub-committee meeting each month. This results in an anticipated minimum time dedication of six hours per month to Staff Council meetings and assignments. More information can be found at

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Selections Committee at with the subject heading "Membership Application Inquiry."

Staff Council Member Application

Staff Council Application


Preferred Name
Preferred Name
Are you a benefits eligible employee (0.75 FTE or above)?
Have you successfully completed the probationary period of employment prior to the beginning of the proposed service term (July 1st of each year)?
Have you been employed at the U for at least two years?
Supervisor's Preferred Name
Supervisor's Preferred Name



Please select which committee(s) you'd like to serve on.


I understand the service commitment required for participation in the Staff Council as outlined within the University of Utah Policy 5-003: University of Utah Staff Council (UUSC).
I have spoken about this service commitment requirement with my immediate supervisor and they are supportive of this application.
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