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Home About Staff Council

Mission and Purpose

Staff Council consists of 30 staff members (both exempt and non-exempt) from across campus. They are appointed by the University President for a term of three years, with one-third of the membership rotating off each year. Officers of the Council include a President, President-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, each serving a one-year term. There are also at least three ex-officio members, and five alternates.

Staff Council proactively pursues and researches existing and new initiatives, policies, programs, and service projects designed to enhance, promote, and support: staff development, staff welfare, and staff organizational responsibilities.

Staff Council also creates and administers opportunities for staff participation and leadership within the University setting.

Staff Council was established and is delegated authority by the President of the University to bring to the attention of the administration and Board of Trustees matters of general staff concern. The Council acts in an advisory capacity to the University President and the Board of Trustees. As such, the Council takes such actions as are necessary to accomplish the following objectives:

  • Provide a forum for communication, soliciting and distributing information among staff, and between staff and University administration, concerning plans, programs, and issues affecting staff
  • Represent staff when issues are considered by Central Administration
  • Represent staff on University committees, planning groups, and task forces, and in the community, as deemed appropriate
  • Consider, study, and make recommendations to the University President, Board of Trustees, and other University officials regarding procedures, policies, and other general issues and concerns
  • Assist staff in identifying, locating, and accessing appropriate persons, departments, resources, and programs for assistance with employment issues

UUSC Bylaws


Members of Staff Council have the opportunity to serve on one of our committees. Learn more about the focus and activities of each of our committees below.

The Communications Committee is dedicated to facilitating and improving communication between Staff Council and campus, and coordinates campus communication via social media, website, and other forums.
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The Development Committee raises money for staff awards through fundraising efforts, payroll deductions, and department donations.
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Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
The Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Committee is committed to addressing racist policies and long-standing practices that perpetuate racism and inequity on our campus, particularly regarding staff affairs. The committee’s work is aimed at creating an equitable, diverse and fully inclusive campus by sharing the commitment of anti-racism with all members of our campus.
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The Events Committee coordinates activities for the entire University of Utah community. These events enhance employee experience and raise funds for staff awards.
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The Legislative Committee actively engages university staff in the legislative process and university priorities through education, awareness and advocacy.
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Selection Committee
Selection Committee
The Selections Committee facilitates the selection process and awarding of staff awards, and selects new council members.
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Staff Council meets on the first Wednesday of every month from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. All interested parties are invited to attend these meetings.

If you would like to attend, or have an issue that you would like the Staff Council to address, please contact us.